Monday, December 03, 2007

weekending sat 1st dec ..................

so i enter the last month of my year/challenge ......... i have been emailed recently asking whether this blog will continue in 2008 , well as ive intimated over the year i have found the blog both enjoyable and a help with my gambling especially the subject of disciplined gambling also from a personal level i have come into contact with many knowledgeable and friendly people that otherwise i would not have so i will start with a clean start on jan 1st .

leaving my p/l to one side for a sec the week will be remembered by many as the week when isiris closed their doors to new members , no more adverts , i really enjoy the new isiris format and am looking fwd to 2008 with them , although the last week has been unsuccessful with them the trading opportunities have been amazing and i hope to avail myself of these in months to come , alot of the times i have been in the wrong shop but this wont always be the case . im moving areas next week trying to stay away from wood green , the area is not the most desirable and sadly this is reflected by some of the occupants and staff in the shops , this game is hard enough and i dont need regular rows with rude punters or staff , i refuse to be intimidated or pushed around by either and some of the attitudes encountered this week are not something i want to be around , i try to treat people in a amicable manner this has not been recipricated this week so im moving areas !

so the week produced a small profit of £456.89 , decent profits from optimum and myself , a tiny loss from mh and isiris having a poor week that moves me a few quid shy of £26k .

THE30KCHALLENGE .......................... +£25,979.09

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